Passar a tarde em Itapuã

Foi pra Porto Alegre a visitar o amigou conhecido um dia no Hostel Oceanico, Uruguay. My first days in Brasil: Giovanni took me around to check out Porto Alegre's jungle parks, black beans and rice with salad...
I sat on the back of his bike, exercising my abs as he cycled by the lagoon. The tents of the coco frio sellers, their little tellies showing all the same program, the only free channel on TV spitting BigBrotherBrasil in your brain.

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We took a day trip with Renata and Barbara to Itapuã, to enjoy cleaner waters of the same lagoon on our skins, immersed in nature, painting with watercolours and our hair as brushes!Spent a lovely afternoon by the lagoon, just like in the song.

