GALLERY Oh How Pwetty (9)!

Gallery Old Hickory Plein 9 opens its doors  on my first day back in Maas as a blogger and still non-graduate. Nina and I volunteer all day at the bar, while people of all ages storm in the newly decorated Gallery. Shining new cat suites, designed and made by the infamous Hu Rambokat are waiting to be tried on and stretched about. An artisan-made laybike is hanging from the ceiling, waist hight to admire the wooden saddle, shaped like the spine of an invertebrate and the pedals high above the wheel. Hagelslag is hanging over his dj-set, playing chill beats. It’s a beautiful day, a perfect one to spend at OPH9 watching the little girl and dog run after the cats, the old men getting drunk and the girls having fun in their new onesies. Check out our photo shoots from the day, you can order a cat suit using the contact button on the website!
12053354_10206473357167075_383075178_n Dj Hagelslag in the yard. Nina PH.[/caption]
12053364_10206473355527034_1623814787_n Kelly & I in our new outfits! Nina PH12048850_10206465154042002_1613334484_n Hu in the Gallery kitchen. Nina PH.unnamed (1) Nina for art's sake. Hu PHunnamed (2) We don't like posing. Hu PH.unnamed (3) In the creative jungle. Hu PH.unnamed Hu PHNina PH. Nina PH


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